
At Pacific Coast Conservation, we provide an integrated approach to collection management and conservation that helps anticipate and address the long-term care of three-dimensional art objects and artifacts.

An Integrated Approach

  • Assessment

    Conservation Assessment Program (CAP) Reports

    Appraisal of the physical state of a collection as a whole, as well as that of individual pieces within a collection. These reports address the structure of the building, how pieces are stored and exhibited, security and general suggestions for improving ongoing management and conservation practices.

  • Science

    Scientific Method & Research

    Determining the best course of treatment for an object, in terms of reversibility, longevity and the overall retention of the object’s original qualities. This process helps to treat objects in the least invasive way possible, while stabilizing and preserving it.

  • Treatment

    Treatment Proposal, Treatment, and Reports

    Strategic, step-by-step proposals for interventions that take into account the history, purpose and aesthetic quality of an individual artwork or artifact.

    Time-sensitive interventions for corrosion, tears and cracks, surface grime, soot and accretions, among other forms of environmental or accidental damage.

    Documentation of research and interventions completed on the object, with the intention of aiding future conservationists or collection managers.